Janet Stuart Bursary (JSB)
As many of you will be aware, for over 50 years many daughters and granddaughters of alumnae of Sacred Heart Schools have been the beneficiaries of the Janet Stuart Bursary, managed by the Alumnae Association.
The administration of the JSB has been under review for the past five years which has involved the examination of regulatory, legal and tax implications for the JSB and its Trustees (a group of dedicated Alumnae).
The JSB has held a special place in the hearts of many Alumnae who have contributed to, and benefitted from, the JSB since its establishment. Mindful of this, extensive investigation, consultation and deliberation with respect to options for the future operation and management of the JSB have been undertaken as part of the review process.
We expect to be in a position to advise Alumnae of the outcome of the JSB review in coming weeks.
“It is not so much what we say or do that educates; what really educates is who we are” Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ