From the Alumnae
From the Alumnae
On Tuesday 31 August, we were welcomed by the Year 12 Co-ordinator Jane Cowan to virtually meet the current Year 12 cohort. Jane detailed a moving analogy of a relay race and the passing of that baton from one runner to another; moving from student to alumnae. We were so proud to formally welcome the next generation into our Alumnae and build our Cor Unum community. We are regularly thinking of our Year 12s particularly during the sunset of Term 3 and the whirlwind of Term 4 with imminent exams. We are sending them all of our best wishes during this time and look forward to seeing what they achieve beyond their time at Sac.
2021 was hoped to provide an opportunity for rescheduled 2020 reunion groups. Although we have worked to dodge lockdowns where possible, there are some groups yet to enjoy their reunion celebrations which have had to be postponed.
As there is little prospect of re-scheduling reunions in 2021, rather than cancel the reunions completely, we will arrange a Grand Reunion event in early 2022.
In any event, we hope that we will be able to see some of you at upcoming events and encourage you to gather a table for our High Tea event next year.
Another event regrettably cancelled is our much-loved Generations Afternoon Tea. This event brings together current students and their relatives who were also educated at Burke Road. We hope to share some photographs of current students with their alum family members on our social media so please keep a look out for those.
Finally, we hope that you are all keeping well during yet another lockdown.
The performances of Anabelle Smith (Olympian diver) and Paige Greco (Paralympian cyclist) certainly brought us some joy and excitement during lockdown and we congratulate them on their wonderful achievements.
“Let us remember that through these unprecedented times, it is the presence of hope that helps us move forward with purpose and strength”
2020 Blue Ribbon Leaders from the ‘Little Book of Hope’
Please enjoy reading through this edition of
Esprit de Coeur.
In Cor Unum
Stephanie Quinn (1985)
Gemma Rice-Van Heer (2014)