Book Week

Book Week 21-27 August

Although we are in lockdown, we still want to celebrate Book Week at ACPS.

Throughout this term, the Library Leaders, Tahlia, Sophia and Evie have been putting their heads together around how to promote and celebrate the week at ACPS.


Here is message from them:

Book Week is next week!

We are the Library Captains for this year, and we wanted to remind everyone that Book Week is next week! We would love it if your child could dress up for their classroom morning meeting on Friday, 27th August.  The dress ups don’t have to be anything too time consuming to create. If this is not possible to make a costume, your child could still participate by: bringing something along to do with a book character or a book that they love; or even just bring along a favourite book to hold. The main idea is to promote our love of books and reading and to have some fun! We’d love it if you could send through a picture of your child in their costume (there will be instructions on the remote learning classroom pages on Friday and we will create a slideshow which will act as our “parade” as we are in lockdown. There’ll also be a fun book themed quiz held during the day, different questions will be asked to suit different year levels. This will be held on a meeting and we encourage your kids to join!


We are intending that, once we return to onsite learning, we will hold our 'in person' book parade day.