Kindergarten News

Meet the Principal - Foundation 2022

As there has been little opportunity for our new Foundation 2022 families to tour or participate in our early orientation activities, please joins us on Zoom for a virtual 'get to know you' session. Find out about the structure of our school for 2022, our Orientation Sessions for Term 4 and a Q and A. 

Mprps is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Wednesday 15th 7:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 913 1118 5071 

Passcode: QA0wRQ 

Covid Communication

Please make yourself familiar with the information we have posted onto Seesaw as to the criteria around onsite access to Kinder for supervision and remote learning. 


There has been alot of progress in the kinder yard, with fences going up, new seating being installed and the ground work for many of the new play spaces mapped out. It is exciting to have this well underway. 


We had another week of onsite and remote learning occurring, with a visit to the jungle with our guest Teacher 'Sir David... stinkypants'. the children had alot of fun and really resonated with the digital platform and learning. On Tuesday, Kelly-Anne engaged learning in literacy through rhyme and stories, this learning is laying the foundations for strong connections in processing, sequencing, communicating and the ability to make meaning through language.