Secondary Department News 


If there is anything we have learnt from our students during this time is adaptability and resilience! Our 7/8sstudents are tenacious learners! They have shown us that nothing will stand in their way when it comes to their learning and maintaining connections with their peers and school community. Thank you, parents, for supporting our students to get up, check-in for class and completing their tasks…. 



The 9/10's have been having a wonderful time learning online this week! Morning check ins on TEAMS are now in full swing. It has been great to give the students an opportunity to say hello and interact with each other, ask any questions about previous activities and have a giggle before getting stuck into their seesaw work for the day.


Here is some of the work that has been completed this week.

Putting shapes together to make a sculpture Joshua 9/10B
eSmrt activity - Kyra
Putting shapes together to make a sculpture Joshua 9/10B
eSmrt activity - Kyra
World or Work (first Aid Activity) Vivian
Numeracy (Money activity) Georgia
World or Work (first Aid Activity) Vivian
Numeracy (Money activity) Georgia