From the Deputy Principal

As we approach the end of another busy term and we are all starting to experience just a little bit of fatigue, the temptation is to start to procrastinate and wait for a 'better' time to do things.  When it's not so busy, when the weather is better, when exams are over and so forth.  Facing the last few weeks of terms and starting to consider some of these options, I was lucky enough to watch a TED Talk, introducing me to the idea of 'action-storming', which is different to brainstorming. Steve Garguilo presented this talk and he reminds us that in order to achieve anything, we must take action.  And, the bit that I found really helpful as a reminder that everything in life that is hard is just a series of things that are easy.  Consider that for a moment!  I've recently completed my Masters and when I apply this logic to that process it really is true.  To get started I filled in a form and undertook a phone interview.  Pretty straightforward.  Then I got online and accessed material. Easy. Then I attended classes and, before I knew it, I had finished one unit and another. The talk was a good reminder about taking small steps to a really worthwhile goal.  Garguilo also suggests three other things:  

  • Action is a muscle: it needs exercising as with our other muscles
  • We want to set aside time to do things later, but we need to take action right away
  • It's easier to action other people's ideas, so surround yourself with people who can help you take action

I encourage you to have a look at this talk and hopefully it will help see you through those patches where you'd rather brain storm than action storm.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal