Acting Principal's Views

From Mandy O'Mara

Good afternoon Parents and Carers,


It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of week 8. This term is 11 weeks long. School will finish at 2:30 on Thursday 7th April. Please note Friday 8 April is a Curriculum Day and students will not be required to attend school on that day.



Last week our Grade 3 students enjoyed a 3 day camp at Oasis Camp. I was fortunate enough to spend time at the campsite on Thursday and Friday. It was wonderful to see the joy and pure excitement on the faces of our students. They enjoyed the flying fox, archery, bushwalking and getting to meet some very slippery reptiles. 

The students who didn’t go to camp also enjoyed 3 days of camping activities, including a bushwalk and an excursion.

These activities could not take place if not for the dedication and commitment of our staff. Id like to take this opportunity to thank them for volunteering their time to create these special memories for our students.

We have received additional RA Tests this week. We will continue to distribute these to families until the end of term. As you would be aware students in year 3 and above are required to wear masks whilst indoors. If your child is in Year 3-6 please ensure that you send a mask to school each day. We would like to thank parents for the ongoing support in using the RA tests on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Remember all students and staff must report any positive result. There is no requirement to report a negative result

For more information on rapid antigen tests, including how to perform a test on your child and what to do if you record a positive result, visit Rapid antigen testing in schools - information for parents and carers.

The School Council ballot closed last Friday. 

I am very pleased to announce that the Jason Way and Debbie Galati were elected by you and will represent you on School Council in 2022 &2023. Wayne Mark and Nicholas Brain are current members who will be returning for the final year of their term of office.

We have a number of casual vacancies to fill, and I will be announcing the outcome of those after our first Council Meeting of the new School Council.

You may have noticed we had to close our office at certain times over the past week. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Unfortunately, the closure was unavoidable as we were dealing with a small termite issue. I can assure you the repairs have now been completed and safety restored.

Have a great weekend,

Mandy O’Mara