Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

Senior School Committee

This week, I have been finalising plans to develop a Senior School Committee.  The main purpose of creating this committee is to give students in Years Ten and Eleven a voice.  They will report to me on matters such as:

  • Exciting things happening in class
  • Sports fixtures and results that are important to their peers
  • Arts news like class projects or students’ performances in and out of school
  • Big upcoming assessments
  • Issues around the school having an impact on their peers
  • Anything else they think the Head of Senior School should know.

The group will also support the Heads of House and Year Twelve leaders with VACS, events and carnivals.


The committee will be made up of eight students (two per House) from Year Ten and Year Eleven.  Heads of House have nominated students who are in the process of being invited to join the committee.  A new committee will be formed every semester so that many students will have an opportunity as they journey through Senior School.  Committee members will be exemplary Great Southern Grammar students who are engaged in their classes, courses and extra-curricular activities.  They wear their uniform with pride and model the school values of respect, integrity, compassion and commitment.  If students are interested in becoming a committee member, they should speak to their Head of House.


I am excited about this new project and look forward to working with a group of young people who care about their peers and their school.


Raising Standards

I have made no secret of the fact that the students in Senior School have impressed me so far this term.  On the whole, they have settled well into their courses and classes, they are engaging positively with their friends and teachers, and have coped brilliantly with COVID demands and an ever-changing landscape.  However, one area has caught my attention this week and I would like the students to pay more attention to their uniform.  I put a message into the Daily Notices that read as follows:


This week there will be a focus on uniform.  Many of you are wearing your uniform well but there are a few areas that require attention:


Skirts -  length needs to be appropriate.

General Jewellery - no necklaces, bracelets, anklets.

Earrings - small, plain silver or gold sleepers or studs only, please.  No gems, no pearls.

Shirts - boys shirts should be tucked in.

Blazers - to be worn to and from the bus.

Masks - must cover nose and mouth.


I would be very grateful for your support with uniform; the little things do matter and our positive culture here at Great Southern Grammar relies on the students being on board with all school matters, and not just the bits that suit them. One of the simplest way for students to display our values of respect, integrity, commitment and compassion is to wear their uniform correctly.  Thank you.


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Senior School


Year Ten 

During the past couple of weeks the Year Ten students have been introduced to the incredible health benefits and flavour bursts that indigenous spices and fruits provide in the culinary world.  

Using staple pantry items to complement a bush tucker flavour saw the students design their own damper.  Once the damper was baked, some basic food styling of their product meant students could photograph their work, then sample and analyse the appearance, taste, aroma, and texture of the food.


Mrs Teresa McAllister | Head of Technologies