Primary Awards 

Merit Awards 



Early Stage 1 Rainbow

Willow Vickery - Welcoming a new student to our class and showing kindness.

Nicko Hutton - Developing his rhyming skills.

Alice Reed - Excellent effort in all areas.





Stage 1 Lime

Indigo Atkin - Working hard

Nayte Meredith - Working hard to complete his work

Charles Gordon - Fantastic listening

Ashton Hutton - Fantastic sportsmanship

Harrison Tooth - Great listening during PE

Violet Strudwick - Persisting with swimming






Stage 1 Mint

Hugh Kliendienst - His improved knowledge of Place Value in Maths.

Damien Hsieh Taylor - His fabulous Art Work he completed for the Guyra Show

Airlie Vidler - Improved knowledge of Place Value in Maths






Stage 2 Olive

Hamish Brown - Excellent expression when reading aloud

Corey Banfield - Being a caring and helpful member of Stage 2 Olive

Indica Hoiland - Being persistent when completing class tasks

Rosie Gordon - For her persistence when learning about millions in Mathematics


Stage 2 Gold 

Laney Orfordhill - Amazing artworks both in class and for the show

Luka Massey - Fantastic questioning during literacy


Stage 3 Silver

Aleck Campbell - Thoughtful contributions during classroom discussions

Tom Ward - Thoughtful contributions during classroom discussions

Clee Beechey - Showing resilience during practical mathematics lessons

Billy Ryan - Engaging positively in practical mathematics lessons

Jack Watters - Responding positively to feedback in literacy

Poppy Post - A high level of comprehension in reading groups


Stage 3 Indigo

Nicholas Youll - Contributing some interesting strategies to problem-solving tasks

Peyton Heagney - Working consistently at all times in class

Koby Killen - Demonstrating a good understanding of different methods for multiplication of large numbers

Nathaniel Morrow - Demonstrating a good understanding of life in the Australian colonies


Assistant Principal Award 

Alexia Towler (Stage 2 Olive) - Demonstrating Pride, Respect and Responsibility.

Laney Orfordhill (Stage 2 Gold) - Demonstrating Pride, Respect and Responsibility