Multicultural Team News

Harmony Week at HPSC!
Harmony Week aims to celebrate Australia's cultural diversity and highlight inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. To kick off Harmony Week at HPSC our students decorated the school with chalk art describing what Harmony means to them!
Even our staff got involved, dressing up in orange to represent Harmony Week!
Throughout the week, students were able to enter art and poetry competitions, with some students winning prizes for their work.
Congratulations to the following students:
Harmony Week Art competition:
Marriam Rafae 7C (Mabo)
Ferishta Salem 8A (Freeman)
Bahara Ghulami 9B (Walton)
Zahra Rahmani 10B (Walton)
Omid Agha Hassani 11B (Walton)
Chau Thai 12D (Mabo)
Harmony Week Poem Writing Competition:
Winudi Wimalasekere year 9
Nawaz Karimi year 8
Najiba Shaikh year 11
Xin (Kitty ) Lu year 10
Amy Both year 7
Read their poems below:
Read more about Harmony Week 2022 here.
Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year 2022 is the year of the Tiger and Lunar New Year at HPSC included origami and lantern making workshops and colouring competitions where students had the opportunity to win house points, certificates and prizes!
Our competition winners were:
- Kyra Panes (year 7)
- Mustafa Qasimi (Year 8)
- Sarina Javadi (Year 7)
- Farida Ibrahimi (Year 11)
- Amy Both (Year 7)
- Susan Ibrahimi (Year 11)
With a special mention to Zhi Ya (Christina) Zhao in recognition of her outstanding presentation in the whole school assembly.
Have a look at some of the Lunar New Year decorations that were on display around HPSC:
Noble Park English Language School:
On Monday 4th April HPSC held an induction session for new students transferring from the Noble Park English Language School. Our new students will start next terms and we cannot wait for them to be a part of the HPSC community!