Academic Activities

On Thursday 31st March, the Certificate II Horticulture Student Based Apprenticeships & Training (SBAT) students had the opportunity to visit Gardenworld and Bunnings as part of their program. Students received a guided tour of Gardenworld and were informed of why the nursery is set up the way it is, the different sections and what they offer. Students identified and explored different plants around the nursery, including what they wish to utilise in their upcoming garden project. Students are currently planning and designing the space outside the new Doctors in Secondary Schools office.
Our students then progressed onto Bunnings where they researched irrigation systems, tools and materials for their project.
SBAT students will present their Doctors in Secondary Schools office project ideas to ELT early in Term 3 for their vote and approval. The presentation will include a detailed design of the garden and a budget for the project.
Students will begin working on the garden towards the end of Term 3.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence!
On Wednesday 30th March, some of our students with a passion and interested in robotics and Artificial Intelligence had a wonderful opportunity to join industry experts, digital technology educators and artificial intelligence enthusiasts at the Generate 22 Conference.
They attended a career pathway session with dedicated speakers to learn about the industry in Australia.
They also were able to access the conference exhibitors to speak directly with the companies regarding career opportunities and were able to explore a plethora of new and emerging robotic and A.I. technologies.
Overall a very exciting experience for all involved!
Grow, Cook, Eat!
'Grow, Cook, Eat' garden update:
Fantastic Beasts!
On Thursday lunchtimes the Animal House is open for students to come and check out our 'Fantastic Beasts' (including our new school bird, Greeny!). Some students also have the opportunity to take animals home during the school holidays. Check out some of our Fantastic Beasts below!
Celebrating Diversity
The Enhance 'Healthy Body Healthy Mind' class have been exploring some of the priorities of a healthy school environment. In our exploration of inclusive environments our class created a diversity door. Students all chose a country that reflects their nationality or family history. Matilda is a member of our class and she described the purpose of this activity as “to acknowledge where we are from”. Students drew their flag and also put a welcome greeting inside a speech bubble to be displayed alongside their flag. All of these flags and speech bubbles were displayed outside our door so that students from all backgrounds feel welcome when entering our classroom. Cloe participated in this activity and said her takeaway from this activity was "our culture will always be a part of us, so be proud of who you are." All students in our class were proud of our diversity door and what it represents.