Health Space News

Health Space Updates:
- All Staff have been trained in Asthma Management in term 1 to best care for students and staff who have this condition.
- On International Health Day, free blood pressure checks were offered to all staff
- Free flu vaccinations will be available for all HP staff in May.
- In term 1 over 800 students were cared for in Sick Bay.
- Smile Squad will return to Hampton Park in term 2 to see the students who booked an examination in term 4 (2021). All new students in year 7 and other years can also book to see the dental team. Forms are available from sick bay or the main office. Read more about Smile Squad below!
Smile Squad is coming to HPSC!
What is Smile Squad?
- Smile Squad is the Victorian Government's school dental program. Smile Squad will offer free dental care to all Victorian primary and secondary government school students.
- Smile Squad services are provided by community dental agencies
- Regular dental checks can prevent or address dental health issues before they become serious. many students do not see a dentist regularly and may have poor dental health.
What is included?
At the first appointment (the check-up), Smile Squad will check your child’s teeth.
Then, depending on your child’s needs, services may include:
- x-rays
- fluoride varnish
- scale and clean
- fissure sealants
- a free dental pack: a toothbrush, toothpaste and information
- advice about dental health and diet
If a child needs more treatment, like a filling, Smile Squad will contact parents/guardians and make a second appointment. These extra treatments are also completely free.
The program does not include cosmetic procedures.
What is the cost?
Smile Squad provides completely free dental checks for all students in government schools. There is no cost to you. '
When is Smile Squad coming to HPSC?
The Smile Squad will be coming to HPSC from Monday 2nd May.
For more information about Smile Squad, click here.
Parent Webinar
For more information about this webinar or to book a session, click here.