Alumni News

Alumni at HPSC!
Senior Students and Parents Information Evening:
On Wednesday 16th March, Hampton Park Secondary College held our first Senior students and parents information evening for the year and we were lucky to be joined by three of our former Hampton Park graduates!
A big thank you to Shamsiya Hussainpoor, Annick Maugueret and Ali Qasimi for coming back to the college and sharing their post graduate pathways, some helpful study tips and what they are up to now!
Despite having been out of school for a few years now, our three alumni were all recognized by many of our staff members and were able to see how the school has changed since they graduated.
Year 10 Mentor Session:
On Friday 25th March, our year 10 students had the opportunity to hear from two HPSC alumni Nicolas Schoumaund and Sibel Bayden, who spoke about their career pathways, their definitions of 'success' and the importance of recognizing how success can look different to all individuals.
Having alumni back at the school and speaking to our students and families is such a valuable experience and we are so grateful that we have such a wonderful community of alumni here at HPSC!
Click here to learn more about the Alumni Program at HPSC, and if you are an alum yourself, check out the HPSC Alumni Facebook page here!