Hollows House News

Hollows House Updates
Dear Hollows House,
Well here we are at the end of Term 1. What an incredible term it has been to start our 2022 school year!
The following events have been and gone just in this term:
- Startup program and our return to a more regular school experience after 2 disrupted years.
- School photos were held and we all showed how sharp we can look in our full school and sports uniforms.
- Year 7 Explore camp occurred in week 6 (7th to the 9th of March).
- Swimming Sports day was held on 18th of March
- We held a Senior school information session, allowing students to get further insight into what the expectations are for those in the senior years.
- We had our Explore Welcome BBQ, where parents and students were invited to an information session and then a BBQ together to meet the teachers and other families within our community.
- Trial NAPLAN CPT tests were held for years 7 and 9 in an attempt to break the system (we didn’t).
- We had a curriculum day on the 25th of March where all staff engaged in professional learning.
- We had success in touch rugby last week, winning the overall tournament and defeating Fountain Gate SC in the final. Super work!
- We had our extremely successful College production of Aladdin last week, after 13 long months of work together.
- We had our College Open Night on Wednesday April 6th, where our College community were invited in to see the great things that we do each and every day.
It is amazing how much we can achieve in just one term! It certainly has been a busy one, but overall a hugely successful start to our school year. Well done to you all on your Term, as we hit the ground running in term 2, where plenty more exciting events and experiences await us. Such events include:
ANZAC Day commemoration assembly, Athletics day, Explore swimming program, Year 12 formal,
Throughout the school, students success is visible. Hollows students are gaining values nominations for a range of reasons, and it is so pleasing to be leading a house where students are receiving the deserved praise for their outstanding efforts on a daily basis. As a House Leadership team, we are so happy to read about the achievements that each student is able to fulfill.
Here is a summary of the values nominations received for the entire term:
As a school, we continue to reward students who are improving on their attendance.
Congratulations to the following students who have been able to achieve 100% for the whole of Term 1:
ALI REZA, Ali Reza | ALI0096 | 10F | 100 |
ALI, Farishta | ALI0082 | 09F | 100 |
FERIKU, Leonor | FER0042 | 09E | 100 |
GHULAMI, Mumtas | GHU0033 | 09I | 100 |
MATSEN, Jamillah | MAT0060 | 09E | 100 |
PATA UNASA COLLINS MAUSII, Fayth | PAT0038 | 11E | 100 |
RAHIMI, Sulaman | RAH0032 | 09I | 100 |
RIYAD, Khaled | RIY0001 | 10F | 100 |
SAFDARI, Moshtaba | SAF0017 | 10E | 100 |
SHIRZAD, Murtaza | SHI0012 | 11F | 100 |
VARNHAM, Hannah | VAR0007 | 12E | 100 |
JAMA, Abdi | JAM0030 | 12F | 100 |
These students were invited to a special lunch early next term, where they were able to celebrate this outstanding achievement.
Hollows Student Profile:
Hollows Staff Profile:
Learning Habit Report Summary
Year 9 and Year 10
It is with great pride that we highlight some student success within YR 9 and YR 10 Hollows House students.
Below is the list of students who performed highly in the recent Learning Habits Report and equally as important, a list of students who have improved the most upon their return to onsite schooling.
Congratulations to those students listed and all others that have experienced growth during Term 1, within and outside the classroom.
If families require any additional information around the Learning Habits Report (or if you need to reset your Compass parent password so you can see the success of your student) please contact Chris Knowles on 8795 9400 or via email Christopher.Knowles@education.vic.gov.au.
Enjoy a safe and restful break with family and friends.
We look forward to continuing working in partnership with you in Term 2.
Chris Knowles
Top 10 Year 9’s
LI-0013 | LI | Dominic | 09F |
KAZ0009 | KAZIMI | Asma | 09I |
GAL0080 | GALBIS | Justin | 09F |
AHM0078 | AHMADI | Shaheda | 09E |
LEM0004 | LEMI | Ranita | 09F |
MOH0082 | MOHEBBI | Elaha | 09E |
CHH0026 | CHHOUR | Lucy | 09E |
FOO0004 | FOO SOUYE CHAN | Estelle | 09F |
WAH0009 | WAHIDY | Mohammad | 09E |
ADE0004 | ADEN | Arfon | 09I |
KAI0026 | KAIWAI | Savannah | 09F |
Most Improved Year 9's
FER0042 | FERIKU | Leonor | 09E |
CHA0077 | CHANGIZI | Ali Asghar | 09F |
MOH0092 | MOHAMMAD SADIQ | Lida | 09E |
DAL0074 | DALTON | Alexander | 09I |
IAN0002 | IANUARI MIKE SAMASONI | Rhyanna | 09E |
THO0065 | THOMPSON | Tresean | 09F |
NAR0009 | NARANN | Leena | 09F |
HIL0016 | HILLAS | Ella | 09I |
MCG0022 | MCGUINNESS | Montanna | 09F |
KAI0026 | KAIWAI | Savannah | 09F |
Top 10 Year 10’s
TRA0096 | TRAVICA | Anna | 10F |
ABA0007 | ABANTO | Jethro | 10F |
HOA0003 | HOARE | Robert | 10E |
NAN0021 | NANDA | Jaimeet | 10F |
SUW0002 | SUWANBUT | Jiranun | 10F |
QUR0008 | QURBAN | Zahra | 10F |
SIL0021 | SILICKA | Liliana | 10F |
LUA0009 | LUALUA MIKHAEL | Nevaeh-Lee | 10E |
BOR0018 | BORNY | Jacob | 10E |
NAZ0033 | NAZARI | Shabeer | 10F |
ACI0006 | ACIKYURT | Mert | 10E |
Most Improved Year 10's
BOR0018 | BORNY | Jacob | 10E |
RAN0028 | RANDLES | Spencer | 10F |
NAJ0007 | NAJAFIZADEH | Mohammad | 10F |
SIL0021 | SILICKA | Liliana | 10F |
ALI0096 | ALI REZA | Ali Reza | 10F |
NGA0015 | NGATOKO | Jakim | 10F |
LIM0019 | LIM | Charisma | 10E |
JAN0029 | JANDOOL KHAN | Jamal | 10E |
LUA0009 | LUALUA MIKHAEL | Nevaeh-Lee | 10E |
BAN0022 | BAN | Belinda | 10F |
On behalf of everyone in Hollows House, we wish you all a very safe and enjoyable Easter break. We also say ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ to those who are of Muslim faith. May this Eid be filled with pleasure, happiness, wealth, and the affection of your loved ones.
See you all in Term 2!
“To my mind, having a care and concern for others is the highest of human qualities.” (Fred Hollows).