Senior School

House Tournament - Wii Sports & Minute to Win it 

Last Thursday, we unfortunately couldn't run our Interhouse Swimming Carnival due to problems with the AquaZone pool. However, to keep the great energy and healthy competition between our houses going, we held two competitions for Junior and Senior students to participate in at lunchtime. Wii Sports in the Pentagon was a hit along with Minute to Win it games in the gym. 


Brad Zeunert

Head of Senior School

Year 9 & 10 French

The Year 9 and 10 French students made Ratatouille during our lesson last week. Ratatouille is a classic Provencal French vegetable stew recipe. Originating in the 18th Century in the Provencal region of Nice, it is known as a peasants' stew created by poor farmers that needed to use up the harvest of the fresh summer vegetables that had ripened all at once and were ready to eat from the garden.


I have started to clear the school veggie patch and will be dedicating time each week to revegetate the patches. Here is Maisie Nield (Year 3) helping me pull out the weeds last week.


Ally Robinson


Year 11 Psychology

The Year 11 Psychology students have been revising their 'How does the brain function' unit with annotated Hemisphere Hats. Jeremy Cilia stepped in to make a brilliant brain model. 


Rose Pritchard

Senior School Teacher