Student Suggestion Box

The Suggestion Box 


The suggestion box is a program that we school captains have created. We have created the suggestion box to make some of your ideas come to life!  We have planned to have a digital and physical version. The physical version will be able to be accessed outside of the office as well as a QR code to send you to our digital copy. There will be a sheet of paper that can be accessed near the box. On this paper you will be able to write down your ideas for what you want achieved at our school. Your suggestion could be as simple as starting a club or a joke suggestion for assembly. It could also be as extravagant as fixing the organ factory toilets. But this is all up to you! Your ideas will then be read by us (school captains) and some of them will soon be added to our school. Put your name, grade and email on the form and we will let you know if your wonderful idea has been used!


-School Captains