French Film Festival Excursion Review

French Film Festival Excursion Review

Par Austin et Dustin (6KS)

On Tuesday 15th of March all of the Grade Sixes went to Westgarth cinema to watch a French movie called “Le trésor du petit Nicolas” (Little Nicholas’ Treasure) The film was ‘fantastique’. It starts when Nicolas' father got a promotion which requires the family to move to Aubagne, in the South of France. Nicolas doesn’t want to leave because he and his friends have an inseparable gang “Les invincibles” so he starts to come up with creative ways to prevent the move. 


It was a new experience to watch a movie in a language that is not English. It helped us to learn new French words and more about France and its culture. If you are keen to see a French film, the French Film Festival is running until Mid-April and the festival schedule can be found here:


Here are a couple of reviews of the film to help you decide if you would like to see “Le trésor du petit Nicolas” with some of your family:

  1. The film was very funny. Especially the parts when the principal said ‘it’s a pun’ (c’est un jeu de mot) over and over again. - Anonymous human bean
  2. 10/10 Fantastique. - Xander Douros 
  3. 5/5 Un bon film. Would recommend it for families - Kyle Suitor Teacher and film viewer
  4. Wow. Five stars. - Lucien Carr
  5. A reliable guide to the good things in life, Little Nicholas’s Treasure is a great deal of fun for anybody from the age of seven or eight. - Another anonymous human bean