Gr 3/4 - Kindness Culture

Over the past two weeks, the 3/4s have been learning about how to create a Kindness Culture across the school. We came up with ways we could be an upstander and not a bystander, and discussed how one person can make a difference. We also created some amazing posters, and to show our support for the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence today. We all signed the Kindness Pledge, which says "I promise to stand up for others by showing kindness, respect, compassion, and taking action to stop or report bullying. I will be an active and safe upstander."


Here are the three posters that our level voted as the best, which you will find around the school over the coming weeks. All other posters we made will be displayed on the 3/4 campus to remind us every day that we can create a Kindness Culture!