This week we have been learning about recycling and putting waste in the correct bin. Jess from Cleanaway came to visit and we were reminded of what goes where to prevent as much as possible going to landfill. We played a game and learnt about some tricky items and how we can recycle them. She was very impressed with our systems at school and how aware our students are of recycling.
Our classes have the opportunity to turn their food waste into compost, recycle their soft plastic, paper, cardboard and 10c containers.
We are amazed at the amount of soft plastic that we have prevented from going into landfill. Many students bring small packets of chips or snacks and now this is all recycled.
Most supermarkets will take the soft plastic so it is an easy solution to a big problem.
National Ride to School Day
For the first time this year we have registered for National Ride 2 school day . The official day is 22nd of March, because that is our swimming week we have set Tuesday 29th - Week 9 as our Ride 2 school day.
This nationwide program enables students to get physically active on their way to school. It is a day when many students in the country ride, walk, scoot or skate to school. We will be graphing our statistics and celebrating our day in various ways.
Our student and teacher group will be meeting next week to finalise plans for the day. We will contact you all via seesaw.