Principal's Report
Unfortunately our admin staff have been affected by COVID. As a result we will need to operate with modified office hours until further notice.
The admin office will be open from:
· 8:30-9:30
· 2:15 – 3:15 each day.
All incoming calls between those hours will be diverted to a mobile number to which one of the leadership team will respond.
We encourage families to download the QKR app so any payments can be made online.
If you need to collect your child early for any reason, please phone the school (your call will be diverted) and speak to one of the leadership team so the required documentation can be completed.
We apologise for any inconvenience this causes – but under the circumstances we do not have another option.
We are very excited to finally see the slab being poured for the rebuild of the burnt out section of the school.
This rebuild is estimated to be $2.5m and will provide a whole new look to our school.
The building will house:
· Spacious Admin office with waiting area
· Principal / DP / Leaders & finance offices
· Meeting room
· Sick bay
· New staffroom
· Additional staff and student toilets
· Spacious Interoception room
· Therapy room (OT / Counselling/ Speech services)
· Spacious new indoor flexible learning area
The front of school landscaping will all be reinstated.
We are looking at a completion date of late July (Term 3 this year).
Reminder that the Governing Council approved dress code for our school is:
· HPS polo shirt
· HPS jacket
· PLAIN black pants, shorts or skirt
(The green and white summer school dress is OK to be worn)
Please ensure your child/ren are dressed according to our expectations.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher (Seesaw) or make appointment via phone if you have any questions or require further information about your child/ren’s learning program or progress.
Regular two way communication between teachers and families is the best way to ensure each student achieves to the best of their ability and becomes a confident and capable learner.
It is still a requirement of the Department for Education that masks be worn by adults at all times when on school sites.
We are still in the grips of COVID. Please wear a mask at all times while on school grounds. This is for the safety of yours and others’ children – as well as all of our staff members.