
A reminder for all students that are keen to participate in the schools camp program that the deposit for the camps are now payable on Compass or at the front office. Year 8, 9’s have had their camps information presented to them. They have 2 camp options, 1. Snowboard Camp and 2. Surf Camp. Year 10, 10 VCAL, 11 VCAL and 12 VCAL students have also had their information presented to them and their options are, 1. Snowboard Camp and 2. Surf Camp.


As school policy,  School Charges HAVE to be paid in order to attend any optional extra's such as School Camps.


The dates of these camps are below:

Yr8 Snowboard Camp: 30/7 – 3/8.

Yr9 Snowboard Camp: 6/8 – 10/8.

Yr10-12 Snowboard Camp: 13/8 – 17/8.

Yr7 Summit Camp: 12/11 – 14/11.

Yr8-11 Surf Camp: 17/12 – 19/12.


The details about each camp are also on Compass in the description part of the event form found on Compass.