VCE Immersion Day

On Wednesday, all of the year 12 VCE students visited Monash University for a VCE Immersion day. The day was full of presentations and group discussions about succeeding in year 12 and transitioning into university. The cohort heard from some of our teachers and leaders such as Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Holt and Mr. Johnson-Turner. From the teachers we learned

and practised writing skills, exam question skills, study score and ATAR tips and study tips.

There were also multiple external speakers from Edrolo, Elevate Education and Monash Uni. From these speakers, we were able to gain a lot of extra help and information about resources available to us, how to motivate ourselves, stay on track and what kind of pathways we might want to start to think about for our future.

Four ex-McClelland students came along and acted as a panel that the students could question about year 12 and University life. It was great to see the opportunities that are available after high school. We also had the chance to take a campus tour and observe the University layout and facilities. All of the presentations were engaging and quite powerful; I think everyone has taken away something new that we may not have thought about before.

Eliza Scott

Aspire Higher -

Purpose of Aspire Higher Program

For select students to further develop their aspirations for a successful VCE by providing opportunities that extend their thinking and implement actions towards improving study habits and achieving goal directed behaviour measured against improvements in academic success.

This year:  Aspire Higher students have been selected, including 13 year 12 and 13 year 11 representatives. We have held a launch, after the launch, students conferenced with each of their teachers to develop SMART goals for their Performance Assessment Tasks (PAT).

Each student has been assigned a mentor and follow up mentor meetings have occurred to discuss results from PAT and plan for improvement. Following on from the Year 12 Immersion Day, the year 12 students attended a lunch which was held in the VCAFE. Each student in year 12 Aspire higher were asked to trial a Writing to learn strategy, such as ‘I am poem’, a graphic organiser or ABC list, to name a few to develop their writing skills. At the lunch, students had the opportunity to share their trial with each other and their mentors while enjoying a light lunch. The informal setting was used to promote that learning does not always have to be in a formal setting. A huge thank you to the VCAL students undertaking the Business VET under the watchful eye of Melissa Piper for preparing, serving and cleaning up after the lunch. It was a perfect opportunity for the students to practice their newly learnt barista skills.


This year the Year 12 Valedictory Awards Ceremony and dinner will be held at the Frankston Arts Centre on Wednesday 24 th October 6.30pm. We ask that you save the date. Cost of tickets is between $80.00 - $90.00 per head and there will be 2 tickets allocated per family with the possibility of applying for more if any families do not require their 2 allocated tickets.

Valedictory Committee

Members include – Staff representatives - Robyn Andrews, Dave L’huillier, - College Captains - Luke Janson, Kaycee Gunn Cameron and co captains Eliza Scott and Sara Riippa, along with other interested students - Alisha Allen, Adaora Ilobuchi, Nathan Lovett and Ambria Andrews.

The valedictory Committee meet fortnightly on a Tuesday, opposite Tuesday’s to the Pride Squad. So far there have been two meetings. Ideas for themes have been suggested, and shortly the year 12 students will be asked to vote between a couple of options.  The theme is for the morning celebrations which include a breakfast at 8.00 am followed by an assembly and morning tea. Students are dismissed at 12.00 pm Formal classes for year 12 students finish on Tuesday 23 rd October. All students will be encouraged to participate in some way, ideas are currently being discussed. Ambria has agreed to coordinate the ppt presentation which requires all year 12’s to submit a photo of them in their prep year.

Exams – Senior school

There are 4 scheduled compulsory exam periods:

Mid- year exams

June 4 - 8. For all students in Year 10 (VCE stream) and students studying Unit 1 or Unit 3 studies

GAT (General Achievement Test)

Wednesday, June 13. For all students undertaking a unit 3 4 study. GAT begins at 10.00 am and finishes at 1.15 pm. Students will be dismissed at the end of the exam.

October Practice exams

October 1 – 4 (Mon – Thu,  2nd week of school holidays)

VCAA Externally assessed exam period – (Exact dates of specific studies not yet available) Wednesday, October 31 – Wednesday, November 21 for Unit 3/4 subjects and scored VET studies.

Unit 1 and 2 and Year 10 exams will be between 7 th and 16 th November.

There will be further opportunities for students to complete practice exams in the Performing Arts centre before each exam period to allow students to familiarise themselves with the location, practise timing and develop skills.

Monash Extension studies

Congratulations to Talia Toulidakis for being accepted into Monash Extension studies 2018.

Monash Extension allows eligible high achievers, to complete two units of a first-year university subject as part of their final school year.

THE BENEFITS, as promoted in the Monash Extension Flyer include:

Gain an ATAR increment.

Get credit towards your degree.

Meet academics and study with other university students.

Be challenged and meet other like-minded students.

Study in world-leading facilities.

Save on regular university fees.

Attend special events and activities.

Access Monash

Year 11 and 12 students were introduced to the Access Monash Mentoring Program on the 9 th of

February which is open to hundreds of senior high school students across Melbourne. The mentoring

program organises for a student to be paired with a current Monash University student based on

similar areas of study and interest for an entire year. They will be coached on multiple aspects of

their education pathway including study techniques, university applications and career pathways. McClelland students joined other schools at Monash Peninsula for workshops on mentor-mentee relationship expectations and responsibilities. Students were also given advice on how to make this partnership successful and efficient and were taught how to handle tough situations professionally if they ever arose.

The induction was enjoyable and informative to many students and there were lots of things to look forward to. Some comments included:

“[The excursion] made me feel like  making a start on plans for my current and future schooling… I also look forward to the input and advice my mentor has for me… The fact that were matched up with a Uni student based on our dream job is also really interesting!” -Caitlyn Taylor, Year 11

“The program will be a really good stepping stone for preparing myself for university life as well as

setting me up with strategies to further my education… I’m actually really looking forward to

meeting my mentor and having their extended knowledge and support.”-Alex Murray, Year 12

McClelland students will meet their mentors on Wednesday March the 7th to plan out the year and, from then on, each partnership will schedule regular meetings independently.