Actives Week Reflection by Ashley Gray, Bethany Stewart & Ada Poon of 706

On the Monday the 12th of February actives week started. For some link groups they started with AMF bowling and the other groups went to Frankston beach. The link groups that went to AMF bowling got to go in groups of 6 and play 2 games, we then had a picnic lunch and a play on the equipment at Ballam Park. For the groups that went to Frankston beach, they had a variety of activities including beach and team building games, power boat and yacht rides, and also snorkelling.  Luna Park was the highlight of the week. We were all excited to go on all the rides there - Egyptian Curse, Spider, Dodgem Cars, Power Surge and The Scenic Railway.  They were all really fun. Wednesday we also got to watch a play that went for period 1. We learnt to never give up on your dreams and always persist with everything you try. During period 2, we learnt a hip hop dance which was really fun. Thursday, some link groups got to go to the beach and the others went to AMF bowling. On the last day of activities week we went to Gumbuya World. There were lots of rides to go on including the tree swing, a little cyclone ride and a car ride. We then went to the Water Park - it was very fun.

Year 7 Activities Week Reflection

Year 7's had a fantastic time on Activities Week from Feb 12th – 16th, enjoying a range of activities from beach games, sailing, Ten pin bowling, Luna Park, Bounce Right Back performance and finishing the week having an amazing time at Gumbuya World.  This transition week is a fantastic opportunity to forge new friendships, have fun and develop connections with teachers.  Well done to everyone on a fantastic week!


Year 7 Parent Introductory Meetings

On Tuesday 20th February the Year 7 team met with parents to find out important information from you as a parent!  These meetings are an integral part of our commitment to getting to know your students and their needs to ensure that we are supporting your child in the best way possible at school. Parents shared their own perceptions of their child’s strengths, challenges and helpful strategies that might be useful for supporting their child.  Parents are welcome to contact the Year 7 team at any time to discuss your child’s education needs.

Year 7 Student Representative Council representatives

Congratulations to Brianna Worrall, Dylan Allen and Angus Archard for being selected as our 2018 Year 7 SRC representatives.  All students who applied through a written application and an interview with Mrs Corrie (SRC Coordinator & Jackie Woods) and the calibre was high.  Our Year 7 SRC reps will be the student voice at Year 7 and attend weekly meetings and participate in a range of leadership opportunities throughout the year.  Well done Brianna, Dylan and Angus.


Karingal Hangout Lunchtime Activities

From March 9th, Jane from Karingal Hangout will be back and running lunchtime activities in the Year 7 MAX.  All students are welcome to attend.


Homework Club

Homework Club will start March 8th in the Year 8 MAX from 3:15pm-4:15pm. Year 7 students are encouraged to use this time to get extra help from teachers, complete catch up work or complete homework tasks.  A light snack will be provided. 

EPP & EP +

Launch - We kick-started the year with our launch of the Showcase Project on Friday 23rd at lunchtime with a lunch enjoyed by all. Students gained some insight into the planning of their Showcase Project for September 11th.  We look forward to our first workshop on Friday 16th March during period 4.  All other Term 1 dates for events have been emailed to students and parents. 

Attendance Reminder

A reminder to all parents to ensure that if your child is absent to contact the College on 97894544 to notify us of your child’s absence.  Also if your child is late to school, a note or phone call must be made by a parent/guardian to the College so that students can gain a late pass for class.  Students leaving early from school for appointments must be signed out at the office.