Outstanding VCE results and VCAL Outcomes

We are very proud of all our teachers and of course the Class of 2017 who achieved outstanding VCE results and VCAL outcomes. Although The Age and Heraldsun newspapers do publish all the VCE data of all schools which people often use to make comparisons, we won’t be talking about other schools. What we will say is that we outperformed (or in some cases equalled) all government schools apart from one in a thirty kilometre radius with our VCE Median Study Score of 29. What this means in real terms is that virtually every student achieved either their first or second university or tertiary preference.

Building Project about to commence!

Yes it’s been a very long time (two years in fact) since we received the news that we would be receiving $5.69 million in building funding. I can now announce after the government tender process, that Merkon Construction will be commencing work in the coming weeks. This is very exciting news however it is fair to say that there will be considerable disruption this year before the project is completed. Our priority is always our students and in particular, minimising disruption to Year 12 studies so we will do our very best to reduce the impact the construction will have on our educational projects. I do ask that parents and carers please respect our school rules particularly around parking and (unless you have a disabled parking permit) please do not enter the school car parks to pick up or drop off students. I appreciate it can be more convenient but it also adds unnecessary safety risks which we really need to avoid.

Meet our Principal Intern Nicky Buckingham

As part of Bastow’s Unlocking Potential course I will be spending 20 days at McClelland shadowing Amadeo Ferra and gaining the opportunity to understand what it is that makes McClelland a school that encourages ownership, community and growth.  In my teaching career I have been lucky enough to experience some diverse roles such as; Year Level Manager, LT Community Connection, LT Literacy/Coach and Head of Sub-school. These roles have been in a number of different schools, from small schools with a diverse culture to large Eastern suburb schools. I have had the opportunity to experience change management on a large scale such as a major regeneration project with new buildings and new pedagogy and developing a school to show a marked increase in enrolment.  I am currently Assistant Principal at Forest Hill College where my portfolio includes Student Management/Wellbeing, Positive Education and VCE data. I very much look forward to my time shadowing Amadeo and learning from all the staff at McClelland.


During the last four weeks of term Assistant Principal Karin Miller will also be involved in the Principal Internship Program and we wish her well at Ashwood College. In her absence Assistant Principal Kathryn Henderson will be taking over her responsibilities including oversight of the Year 9 and 10 programs.