School News & Information

Seeking Expressions of Interest
If your child would be interested in soccer clinics before or after school, please contact James (dad at Galilee) on 0405649235. Once James has enough interest, he will be able to organise the clinic days.
DOGS - Dads of Galilee
The DOGS are back for 2019!
Guys, the first DOGS catch-up is:
Thursday 28th Feb
The Railway Hotel – front bar
(280 Ferrars St, South Melbourne)
6:30 pm onwards.
It would be great to see as many dads as possible attending this first event and set up a big 2019 for the group.
Prep dads, this is a great way to meet other new dads to the school and the wider school community.
If you have never attended a DOGS event make an effort to come to this one.
Regulars to past DOGS events, it will be good to see you again for 2019.
Do yourself a favour and come along for a few laughs, a drink and / or counter meal.
The school community as a whole befits from the connections made at these events.
If you can RSVP by 25th Feb, so I can give The Railway Hotel numbers.
RSVP to:
"Spirited and Loyal"
James McGann
Community Conversations - Term 1
We would like to invite you to a Community Conversation to hear your thoughts on Galilee in a scope of areas.
In Term 4 2018, there were a number of suggestions made by parents on how to make our great school greater. Those who attended that meeting are strongly encouraged to come as well as any other parents in the school that is interested in these actions. It is an opportunity to share the ideas from 2018 and also the course of actions that we have already taken as a result of the meeting.
This will be an informal conversation the main purpose of sharing responses from the last meeting and seeing where we are heading with other actions that are being put in place for 2019.
Having our parent’s input is important so please join us on Monday 18th March from 9-10am in the Hall for a morning tea and discussion.
Please RSVP your attendance to Carmen Carnovale on
TheirCare - GOSH
GOSH TheirCare is pleased to announce a very successful end of the first week which was dedicated to the family.
Children have done a lot of art & craft activities with the result- gift for parents/ siblings/ grandparents etc.
Theme of the next week is "Sport", so tighten your shoelaces and get ready to have fun!
We are open Mon- Fri from 7 am- 8.30 am and from 3.20 pm- 6 pm
Register now at