Education in Faith

Opening School Mass
This Friday February 8 we will come together as a School Community to pray as we start a new school year. We will be reminded about the new friends that we will make, the new things that we will learn and the exciting opportunities that will happen this year. We were reminded to always do the best we can, and to use the special talents and gifts that God has given us. The mass will include a Commissioning of the school staff, student leaders and parents as they pledge their service in 2019. It will be a wonderful start to the year.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of healing and restoration. It celebrates the endlessly forgiving mercy of God and the change of heart of all those who turn back to God after sin. Many of our Year 3 students will be in the process of enrolling to make their First Reconciliation later this term. The dates for preparation and the celebrations for Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC), Middle Park are as follows:
- Wednesday 20th February - 6pm Reconciliation Faith Night for Parents and Students at Galilee in the hall
- Thursday 28 February - 7.30pm OLMC Parent Only Information Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms
- Saturday 2 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session # 1 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in OLMC
- Saturday 16 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session # 2 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in OLMC
- Saturday 23 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session # 3 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in OLMC
- Monday 18th March - Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50 - 3.25pm
- Saturday 30 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session # 4 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in OLMC
- Thursday 3 April - 7.00pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation -OLMC
- OLMC enrolment form for Reconciliation
Reconciliation preparation and celebration dates for Sts Peter and Paul (SPP) are:
- Wednesday 20th February - 6pm Reconciliation Faith Night for Parents and Students at Galilee in the school hall
- Thursday 28 February - 7.30pm Parent Information Session in the SPP hall
- Wednesday March 6th - 3:45-4:45pm Preparation Session One in the SPP Hall
- Wednesday March 13th - 3:45-4:45pm Preparation Session Two in the SPP Hall
- Wednesday March 20th - 3:45-4:45pm Preparation Session Three in the SPP Hall
- Wednesday March 27th - 3:45-4:45pm Preparation Session Four in the SPP Hall
- Monday 18th March - Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50 - 3.25pm
- Tuesday April 2nd April-6:00pm-Sacrament of Reconciliation-SPP
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally. Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. We ask this through Christ our Lord.