Library Corner

Activities in the Library have continued with Book Club lunchtime meetings and class bookings. Book Club members shared reviews of their recent reading and borrowed titles from an assortment of new books. Recommended titles mentioned were - Ronaldo (biography by Luca Caioli), Famous in a small town, The art of being normal, Before the coffee gets cold, and The Naughtiest Girl series. Over 30 students attended the February 19th meeting. New members are welcome.
The romance of Library Lovers’ Day was evident in the Library on 14th February. This year’s theme was “Uncover something new” and students were invited to borrow a gift wrapped book, making their selection based on the cryptic clues written on tags. Chocolate hearts were available to all who dared to try something new or who borrowed a book on that day. A big thank you to the small army of Library Monitors who wrapped books, devised book clues, laminated bookmarks and assisted with setup for the day.
Lunchtimes in the Library have continued to be busy and we have included a selection of photographs of students engaged in games, reading, socialising. We also encourage students to enjoy the relaxing Library spaces before and after school. Homework Help commenced in Week Three - so please avail yourselves of the tutoring assistance offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Come to the Library to check out new reads and don’t forget the selection of ebooks and audiobooks available via the College’s Wheelers ePlatform and Ebsco eBook Collection. Visit the Library’s catalogue and follow the links:
Lots of exciting events are being planned for 2020. These and other items of news are featured on the Library link above.
Students keen to assist with Library events, displays, shelving and more are invited to sign up as Library Monitors. Please see Staff at the Circulation Desk.
Library Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
The library is open at Recess to Year 12 students and Library Monitors only
Lunchtime opening from 1:00pm onwards (Closed to general access during the fortnightly Book Club meetings)
Homework Help:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school, 3:15pm to 4:30pm
Sherri Michael
College Librarian