Junior School Highlights

Year 7 Highlights
Busy, busy, busy. That’s how we can best describe the past few weeks at Year 7. Students have completed their FRIENDS training and classes are now in full swing. We’ve had our Year 7 parent information evening, and a huge thank you to all the families who attended.
We are getting ready for Year 7 Camp, which promises to be a lot of fun with the activities that have been planned. It will hopefully start many new friendships and move students way beyond their comfort zone. (More info and photos in the next newsletter.)
As always, we encourage all in Year 7 to Get Organised, Get Focused, Get Involved!
Lou Tsarpalas and Jess Ballingall
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 8 Highlights
It starts with a loud bang and a small splash at one side of the pool. Suddenly, a wave starts to sweep across the water, getting faster and building. A small figure appears at the head, is it a fish? Nothing human could move this fast! But wait, it's speeding up, could it be? Felix Dressel-De Bruyn, part boy part marlin pushes a tidal wave of water over the other side of the pool as he hits the wall with an amazing time. Off to regionals for him. Good luck to anyone going up against him!
The swimming carnival proved great fun for the Year 8s with some great times and participation. Poppy Burrage was another notable mention as she was concentrating so hard she almost went through the wall at the finish line! Unfortunately, the wall prevailed.
Get Orgainised! is the focus of this term and we will be pushing students to use their planners more effectively to organise themselves. We know students learn best when we work as a partnership with home, so weekly check ins asking to see student planners would be a great help in building this skill.
Daniel Lake and Sue Rio
Year 8 Coordinators
Year 9 Highlights
Term 1 has been really busy for sports events already, and the Year 9's participation and attitude in both the house swimming carnival and term one interschool sports was super impressive.
We remind everyone to continue to be really welcoming to any new students this year; it’s always great to see people with smiles on their faces looking comfortable at school.
We remind students to check the Year 9 cohort Google Classroom for any opportunities that we have coming up (including student exchange programs and scholarships). If you still need to join this the code is on the wall near the Junior School Office.
Students and their families should also ensure that all 2020 sports days and excursion permission have been approved; the Year 9 Program team have worked very hard organizing several excursions for you this year.
Finally, all the best to you all as your first assessment tasks are completed for term 1. Keep up the excellent work.
Parminder Kaur and Jake Sherman
Year 9 Coordinators