From the Assistant Principals

SEAL 2021
Registrations are now open for the 2021 Year 7 SEAL Program. The Entrance Test for the 2021 Year 7 SEAL class will take place on Friday 15th May, 2020. Applicants are able to register by clicking here.
Our SEAL Program offers gifted and high-potential students, who are motivated and academically advanced, the opportunity to be involved in a program that enriches their learning experience whilst also enhancing their intellectual potential and development. Our Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program (SEAL) is accredited with The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools (TAASS).
All interested families are invited to our 2021 Year 7 Enhancement Information Evening which will be held on Monday 4th May 2020 at 6.30pm.
The application process commences in the first half of 2020 and has four stages:
- Entry test - registration and testing
- Submission of forms, reports and NAPLAN results
- Application for enrolment in Year 7 2021 at Glen Eira College
- Interview
School Socks
Thank you to the many families who regularly ensure that their children arrive at school in full and correct school uniform. One area that I am asking all families to give special attention to is their child’s socks. Our uniform policy states that socks must be plain black and must cover the ankles. Students’ socks should not have any logos, stripes or patterns on them. Plain black socks are readily available in stores and are inexpensive which helps keep our uniform practical, reasonably priced and comfortable.
Mr Adam Golding is leading our sports program in 2020. The year has already been very busy with Senior and Intermediate teams competing in their round robin as well as the annual house swimming competition. I thank Adam and all of the staff who have volunteered to coach a sports team.
A reminder for all students when out on Interschool sport representing the College that as per our mobile phone policy, phones should be in lockers prior to leaving for the day. At the conclusion of the day, they can be retrieved from your locker before you go home. If they are seen, they will be confiscated by the staff member in charge.
Aaron Petersen
Assistant Principal
Attendance is very important to ensuring your child makes the most of their education. Being late to school will impact on their ability to achieve their best. Remember learning begins at 9am. It is expected that all students will have at least 95% attendance rate at school over the year. It is vital that notes are provided when students are absent or are late. Please note that if your child is not participating in inter-school sport then they are expected to be at school following the program for the day (and a program will be run for them).
Students in Years 7-10 have recently completed Reading Comprehension and Math tests online to help teachers determine the level of ability and tailor their instruction in classes accordingly. We are very proud of our successful NAPLAN results over a number of years that demonstrate high levels of learning growth from Year 7 to Year 9.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our parent, student and teacher interviews are at the following times (lessons finish at 2pm).
Surnames A - K: Week 8 - Thursday 19th March 2.15pm – 6.30pm
Surnames: L – Z: Week 9 - Thursday 26th March 2.30pm – 7.15pm
Bookings will open on Xuno a week prior to each set of interviews. We encourage you to bring your child to the interviews to discuss their progress with their teacher and yourself.
GEC Cross Country
Please note that on the last day of term 1, students participate in the cross country run. The school day concludes at 1.30pm when students will be dismissed from Caulfield Park.
Nick Hamer-Smith
Assistant Principal