Careers Corner

Year 10
Just a reminder that Year 10 Work Experience will be held during the first week of Term 4, during the 5th to 9th of October 2020. As previously advised, this will also be the same week as the Year 10 Camp, so students will have the opportunity to choose if they would prefer to participate in Work Experience or attend Camp. Any students wishing to participate in both will be able to complete Work Experience during the School Holidays. If there are any students that need assistance in sourcing a suitable work experience placement, they are encouraged to email me or come and see me in the Senior School Office.
I would also like to reach out to any parents who are employed at a workplace that might be able to assist in taking on a Year 10 Work Experience student for a week. Please feel free to get in touch if you think you might be able to help out.
Career Planet
I have recently provided Senior School Students with details on a new FREE Career app called ‘Career Planet’ that is easy to use and targeted for students to use. It will assist them to easily access any career related information; including the ability to search for jobs by salary, look at careers matching their personality traits, as well as gain further knowledge and descriptions on a long list of different careers. They will also be able to save favourite jobs to be able to look back on these careers later down the track.
Any students who are unable to download the app will still be able to access the same information through and they can still create a login via their computer.
VCE and Careers Expo 2020
GEC will be taking all Year 11 and Year 12 students to the VCE and Careers Expo again this year, which will be held on Friday, 1st May 2020 at the Caulfield Racecourse. Further details regarding the excursion to the expo will be provided closer to the date. To view the Seminar Program available on that day, or to view a list of Exhibitors, please refer to the below link.
Year 12
I have sent an open email to all Year 12 students, inviting anyone to contact me to book in a Career Counselling Appointment, whether it be to discuss plans and options for post school or to talk about university and the application process.
GEC Career and Pathways Website
Just a reminder for students to view and sign up to the Glen Eira College Careers Website. I encourage both parents and students to visit this site in order to gain further information about post school opportunities, VTAC, as well as useful links for parents to help their students with career planning and career conversations.
Students are even able to create an account within the ‘Student Secure Area’ where they can create Career Action Plans, conduct Career Personality and Interest Tests, as well as get assistance in creating a resume and cover letter.
Please follow the below link in order to access the Glen Eira College Careers page, or you can access it through the GEC website by selecting ‘Careers and Pathways’ under the ‘Teaching and Learning’ tab.
UCAT ANZ Information for 2020
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test used by the UCAT ANZ Consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand for their medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes.
The test helps universities to select applicants with the most appropriate abilities and professional behaviours required for new doctors and dentists to be successful in their clinical careers. It is used in collaboration with other admissions processes such as interviews and academic qualifications.
It is also an opportunity to stand out from other applicants and demonstrate aptitude for a demanding programme of study.
The UCAT ANZ is a computer-based test delivered in Pearson VUE test centres throughout Australia, New Zealand and at some overseas locations.
Please note that some pathways to medicine / dentistry / clinical sciences will not require the UCAT ANZ. For some applicants a different test may be required. For details candidates should refer to the websites of the universities to which they intend to apply.
For further details regarding dates and fees, please refer to the below link
A free UCAT practice exam is available for download below
For UCAT sample questions, as well as additional advice on where to start and information on choosing a university, please follow the below link.
Heather Palm
Career and Pathways Coordinator