Around the College

Celebrating the 2020 Lunar New Year
On 9th February 2020 the International students distributed heaps of red lucky envelopes to students and teachers to wish them luck and health in Year of 2020.
Tara Fang
International Student Coordinator
Smart Enterprising
This term our Year 11 Business Management students had the opportunity to have an incursion from CBA -Commonwealth Bank of Australia about Smart Enterprising.
During this session students were fully engaged in the programme about
- What makes any business a smart business?
- Main characteristics and skills required for running a successful business.
- Importance of selecting the right business name and many more topics were touched on during the session.
Overall this session was very relevant to their current chapter 1. Having this event just before their SAC was very helpful as students were able to make real life connections with the concepts that are being taught to them in BM class. It was a PowerPoint based presentation but whole lot of discussion happened during the session.
Thank you to Ms Mattsson for organising this incursion.
Parminder Kaur
Year 11 Business Management Teacher
Environmental Corner
As we have seen over the past years there have been changes to our environment occurring. To help our natural environment and make a greener planet we will be outlining some tips that parents and students can implement to help reduce our impact on our ecosystem.
This week's tips are:
- Using containers that are reusable rather than plastics
- Buying in bulk- avoiding small packets and packaging
- Taking wrappers home
- Trying to buy products that are recycled.
Elizabeth Allan
Science Teacher