Sport Report

The house and interschool sports at Glen Eira College have been busy and a successful start to 2020. Second week into term the school had the swimming carnival which was well represented with a very large number of students participating in the swimming events. The weather played its part by delivering a stellar day for staff and students to enjoy themselves.
We have also had senior interschool sport which delivered some good results such as the senior girls volleyball team winning and the senior girls softball team coming in second. Intermediate interschool sport was held recently in which we saw a very large number of participants in a number of different team sports. We look forward to the Year 8s and 7s participating in interschool sports against the other schools in our division with hopefully some good results and high participation numbers.
The last day of term has the school conducting the cross country carnival, which is a good opportunity for students to show their long distance running ability. Thanks to everyone who has helped and contributed to the school and interschool sport program.
Adam Golding
Sports Coordinator