Celebrating Diwali at TSPS
On Sunday the 27th of October, Hindu people around the world are celebrating Diwali- the festival of lights. Rahi Pathak, from Ruby community, gathered a group of friends both non-Hindu and Hindu, to organize ways that we could celebrate at school. She said “it’s a celebration of light, it’s all about fun”. Nimrat Saini added “on Diwali we have candles and sparklers and we decorate our houses.” Kaavya Patel included “we eat sweets in Diwali”.
At lunch eating time on Monday, the Diwali group made an announcement to include every-one in our Diwali celebrations. They made posters in most communities and “we made mandalas in the artroom at lunchtime and we had a colouring and drawing competition”, said Jaysha Jagga. Stay tuned for the winners of the mandala drawing and colouring competition at assembly this week!
Our community celebrated Diwali beyond the school, too- with dance troupe Big Bash Dance Force performing a dance at Federation Square on Saturday the 19th of October. Anysa Wahid said that performing the groups dance was “scary and exciting. Betty came!”Overall, it was a colourful and exciting celebration. It’s wonderful when students can share their cultural celebrations and I hope that we celebrate all of our diverse communities significant events. Asiya Rasool said “Diwali is the best”.