Coral Community
Wow! We can’t believe it is Term 4 already and we are getting closer and closer to the end of the year. What a year it has been in Coral in 2019 and it’s not over yet. There are so many exciting events still to come and Courtney, Heather and Sue can’t wait to celebrate and share all of these with our fabulous students.
Please remember that Term 4 is a term where students are required to wear hats. These must be a bucket or broad brimmed hat. Caps are not permitted.
Parents and families are also reminded that as the weather heats up, students need to be dressing appropriately for the weather and bringing appropriate water and food to school. All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and brain food, as well as a healthy lunch to sustain them through the day and assist with learning.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 29th: Welcome to Hoppers Crossing Year 7 Transition Day
Monday 4th: Curriculum Day (no students to be at school)
Tuesday 5th: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 8th: Colour Run
Wednesday 20th - Friday 22nd: Camp at YMCA Anglesea
Thursday 28th: Step Up Day
Friday 29th: Chinese Cultural Day Incursion
Friday 13th: Reports Go Home
Monday 16th: 3-6 School Concert. Show 1: 1pm - 2.30pm & Show 2: 5.30pm - 7pm
Tuesday 17th: Prep - 2 School Concert. Show 1: 1pm - 2.30pm & Show 2: 5.30pm - 7pm
Wednesday 18th: Year 6 Graduation: 5.30pm start (more information to come)
Friday 20th: Last Day of Term