Senior School

Northern Schools Steer Competition

On Tuesday 13 November, 14 students along with Mr Wood and Mrs Upjohn attended a two night excursion to Inverell for the Northern Schools Steer Competition. The competition day started with an early morning of washing and grooming for the Paraders section of the competition. In this event students are judged on their ability to lead and handle their animal in the show ring. All students represented the school with pride and there was some noted improvement in individuals that competed at Wingham earlier in the year. 

Wednesday afternoon saw the junior judging presentations conducted. Uralla Central School had four students; Shiara Droder, Skye Jones, Courtney Shirdon and Bella Swift that made it in to the top 10 in the 7/8 division. This is a huge achievement for these girls as two of them were only in Year 6. These students overcame their fears and presented their speeches to the judge. 

On Wednesday night students were fortunate to have a 'bed time stories' session with Bill Upjohn who kindly transported our cattle. The students were in awe of his ability to recite old favourites such as 'Mulga Bill's Bicycle' and 'Rindercella'. 

Thursday saw another early morning for the students and the steers; Stevo and JT as they were prepared for their weight classes. Abby Acton led Stevo (bred by Mr Wood) and Adam Nordstrom led JT (donated by Dave Menzies). Stevo made it through 3/4 of the judge's culling but did not quite make the final cut. He did however get a special mention and we are eagerly awaiting the results of the hook competition. 

All students that attended are to be commended for their hard work leading up to, and during the competition.