Junior School

Transition Program

Uralla Central School is extending their transition program to one day per week. We believe that a smooth transition for children ready to start school is highly beneficial for their social and emotional wellbeing.


We are offering our transition program for a full day beginning on Wednesday 6 June. The day will begin at 9.00am and finish at 3.15pm. Transition will be taught and organised by Charmaine Endacott with many activities involving the current Kindergarten cohort. Students are to bring their own recess and lunch and wear comfortable clothing.  All children will be supplied with a Uralla Central School bucket hat.


There is no obligation to enrol your child at Uralla Central School to be part of this transition program.  However if your child is attending the one day per week transition program, could you please contact the school on 6778 4204 to leave your details.

Cooking with Year 2 Emeralds

Year 2 Emeralds enjoyed the experience of cooking with Mrs Taylor in the Food Technology room recently.  The students made honey jumbles and very much enjoyed eating the results of their cooking experience.