Principal's Report

If no mistake you have made, but losing you are. A different game you should play.

Yoda, Jedi Master  896BBY-4ABY

The middle of Term 4 has, to borrow a title recently used, become a real showcase for our school, the students, staff and wider community. Can I firstly express our gratitude to the numbers of parents/carers and family who attended, supported and participated in the recent Presentation Day and Night Assemblies and of course our Celebration of Learning Day and our inaugural Showcase Afternoon.

The Presentation Assemblies highlighted the achievement of a great many of our students and reinforced the high level of expectation that we expect of all of our students when it comes to their learning and the development of character. As I am fond of saying, we expect everybody to stand tall and walk proud, and I am very confident that what we have witnessed over the last few weeks is the embodiment of that credo.

As I walked around the school on Monday with the Director, Educational Leadership, Pat Cavanagh he repeatedly remarked at how impressed he was at the engagement and focus of our students as they began their 'new' school year. I was very pleased to see all of our Academy students really starting their studies with the appropriate intensity and also to see the commencement of teaching and learning in yet another new subject at our school - Software Design and Development. Our Academy model has enable the implementation of so many initiatives throughout the rest of the school but its principle aim from inception was to broaden the curriculum at senior level and we have been able to achieve that easily. Both the Construction course, now being for the second year running and Software Design and Development are courses that have not been previously available - what all of this means is that we are continuously expanding what we deliver to ensure that the students at Uralla Central School have the unique opportunity of spending their entire school career at Uralla and in doing so are not in danger of receiving an inferior learning experience.

Can I congratulate our graduating Academy II students on their achievements and a wonderful formal. I was interested to hear a recorded message from their old PDHPE teacher, Dan Grimsley, who despite not being with us for two years urged them all to stand tall and walk proud. It is very pleasing to us as a staff to know that 60% of these students have already been offered places at university to study courses of their choice, many had multiple offers and this at least six weeks before the release of results. The remaining 40% are already in employment or have secured apprenticeships - well done to you all.  As Mr Wittig is fond of telling me Uralla Central School students are 'can do people'.

I am hoping some of our families who have a long association with both our school and our town might be able to assist me? I am looking specifically for a school photo from the late 1890s-1927 period. I would like to copy what you have if you have one. I am looking for an image of the longest serving principal at the school - Jasper Hard McAlpine. Let the office know if you can help.

We have one remaining whole school assembly and newsletter for the year but prior to that can I thank all of our students for their efforts in 2018, to their parents/carers and families for their ongoing support you also have our gratitude. Many, many thanks to all of our local business and community supporters, without whom our Presentation Night Assembly would not be so successful. Can I also extend my gratitude to all of my office staff for their unstinting efforts in supporting myself and all of the teaching staff. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of all of the teaching staff and from me specifically for all of the executive team - enjoy the rest of term.

As always cherish your children and have a great few weeks until the next newsletter. 

The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

The willingness to learn is a choice.

Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Author of Dune