HOM Awards

Term 3 Winners
Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Jake Prep B, Paytyn Prep C, Zoe Prep R, Rhiannon 1B, Zander 1H, Kwan 1M, Archer 1S, Noah 2D, Sean 2F, Harris 2K, Holly 2N & Seth 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3 - 6
Jessica 34D, Raena 34H, Beth 34N, Michael 34P, Rochelle 34S, Monica 34T, Reese 56B, Nicholas 56H, Kevin 56M, Ramez 56R, Ashley 56S & Ayla 56W
Physical Education 2S, Performing Arts 2N, Visual Arts 2N, Coding 34P & Science Copper 34N
Kindness Card Award
Myall 34D
Rubiks Club Awards
Zoe Prep R & Jasmine 2K
Footy Day
Habits of Mind Prep - Year 2
Brooklyn Prep B, Isla Prep C, Charli Prep R, Amber 1B, Shae 1H, Joshua 1M, Benny 1S, Sophina 2D, Whole Class 2F, Pyae 2K, Minhtam 2N & Sarah 2S
Habits of Mind Year 3-6
Jason 34D, Sarah 34N, Serana 34P, Oscar 34S, Joshua 34T, Bella 56B, David 56h, Jeremy 56M, Rossica 56R, Rando 56S & Tiffany 56W
Visual Arts 34H, Science 56M & Kitchen 34S
Kindness Card Award
Twisha 1S
Ride Band Winner
Ruby Prep C