Wellbeing and Community Engagement

Patrick Halpin
Wellbeing and Community Engagement
Welcome back everybody, to what I hope is a fantastic Term 4. The sun is shining so we hope everybody makes the most of the good weather in a safe, responsible way, remembering to slip, slop, slap.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be rolled out in the Bayside area on April 1st, 2018. All children who are currently enrolled in an eligible scheme will be contacted by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in the coming months. However, there may be children not currently in receipt of funding for a lifelong disability that may be eligible under the new scheme. If you think your child may qualify, please contact NDIA directly by calling 1800 800 110. There are information sessions advertised on the NDIS website.
I will send out any additional information I receive over the coming weeks and months through Compass. Please speak to me if you have any questions.
Snapshot Surveys
Thank you to the 50 respondents who took the time to send us their feedback on Beauty and the Beast. 96% of the respondents attended at least one performance. The same percentage were parents, while the remaining 4% were grandparents of either a student or a staff member.
The reported highlights included simply seeing the students perform on stage, the costumes, the demonstration of hard work and commitment by all of the students, staff and volunteers and the sense of community that it created.
We are also grateful for the suggestions that people made regarding how we can improve. There were mixed opinions regarding hosting the performances at school versus hiring an external venue, the benefits to the students versus the time and commitment required of families, the challenges to attend all performances versus the importance of allowing students to perform without a family member in the audience and the different types of performances (musical, concert, class performances). All of this feedback will be passed on to the organising team for their consideration as they begin to plan for next year.
School Fete
The school fete will be held on Friday, November 17th. We would like to gather some information from you and your families to ensure we can cater for everybody on the night. Please click here to complete the survey.
Congratulations to Olivia in 34H who has achieved a milestone in her Scouting journey: Grey Wolf. To attain the top award in each of the five sections in Scouting reflects initiative in taking this challenge, sustained effort over many years, plus self-discipline, teamwork and leadership. Only a small percentage reach this level.
Congratulations Olivia!
Previous Snapshot Surveys
If you are interested in completing past questionnaires, please follow these links:
- Beauty and the Beast
- Engagement in Kingswood
- Get Active in August Wellbeing Morning
- John Hendry’s Resilience Presentation
- Student Led Conferences
- Presentation by Dr. John Bench
- Communication @ Kingswood
- Open Night
- Mother’s Day Events
- Kingswood Family Fun Night
- Parent Information Sessions
- Parent Helper Information Sessions
Let me know if there are any topics that you would like to see a survey on by clicking here.