


To inspire a new generation of curious minds… Why was I drawn to this vision? Probably for some of the same reasons you were. When I think about being curious, I think first of young children who are not inhibited by insecurities or fear of failure, but instead relish in discovery and problem solving, and spend every day looking through a lens of awe and wonder. But why mum? But why Granddad? At the time, those incessant questions can feel a little annoying, but how quickly do we lose that sense of wonderment? When do we start checking ourselves and worrying that if we ask questions, or take risks, we might be wrong or made to feel embarrassed? Why do we feel more confident to ask questions of those we trust? Because we feel safe from judgement, because we know that those people want us to question, learn and flourish. 


That’s what I believe we need our school to be…

 A place where children feel safe and understand that we all find ourselves in the learning pit and that making mistakes is how we learn. Gosh, even regret can help us learn if we let it. A place where we can collaborate because more heads are often better than one. A place where we learn to actively listen to the perspectives of others and build each other up rather than bring each other down. A place where we learn to be resilient, so that when we fail, we say that we’re not there YET and believe it; where we pick ourselves up and try again; where we understand that solving problems and learning to do things well, takes time. 

We know that talent can get you so far in life, but amazing and unexpected things can happen when you demonstrate passion, effort and grit. I have two girls. Kirsten is 21 and is in her 4th year of medicine. At school, she was never the highest, academically. In fact, she didn’t receive any awards at Valedictory. But what she did do was find her passion, put in an incredible effort towards reaching her goal and show perseverance when the going was tough. My 2nd daughter, Gabby, is in year 11 at the College of the Arts and is a dancer. She couldn’t be more different from Kirsten in personality or goals but shows the same drive to find her passion, the same work ethic in honing her craft and the same sense of resilience, where she has learned to pick herself up when she inevitably falls.


I found my passion over the course of my career, and it was firstly to find out how to connect with children so that they engage and are stimulated in their learning. I wanted them to not only find their passion but to persist and remain curious because sometimes the things we work hardest at and are proudest of, can become our new passion. I LOVE being a teacher. But now maybe more than that, I love coaching and developing teachers and young leaders to be the best practitioners they can be. It brings me so much joy to see teachers being a step ahead and children demonstrating a love of learning and demonstrating outcomes that can only result from best practice.


While I was studying leadership, I developed a vision that I think fits beautifully with this school.  It was the vision that I spoke about in my application and I want to finish by sharing it with you…

I will lead with a deep, relentless moral purpose that is student-centred. I will develop relational trust with students, colleagues and families and instil this in my community. I will build professional knowledge and aim to have teachers and leaders who are able to articulate the ‘why’; to have confidence in the knowledge that their practice is evidence-based and data driven. I will build the capacity of teachers to educate with clarity and understand how to explicitly teach exemplary foundational skills on which to build. I will nurture an environment where students feel safe and a sense of belonging and pride. Students will be engaged through the power of authentic and purposeful learning that is differentiated. They will have agency in their learning and be confident to take risks, and think critically and creatively. And most importantly, I will promote a culture of compassion, kindness and community.

It’s an aspirational vision but I really look forward to aligning my beliefs with the vision and values of South Melbourne Park, and to working with the community to create a school that we’re all proud of.


I would like to thank our community for making me feel so welcome at South Melbourne Park. I already have a sense of how fortunate I am to be leading such a wonderful school. Matthew Vines, as Assistant Principal, has been a great support in helping me transition into the role. It has been great to see the cohesion and professionalism of the staff, as we’ve learned and collaborated together over the past two weeks. Your children too, have shown such respect and openness as I’ve started to get to know them. Thank you to Nicole Campbell, our School Council President, for her support,

 and a big thank you to Sarah-Jane and Families and Friends for organising a lovely meet and greet this morning. I’m very much looking forward to working with our families to re-build the important connections that we’ve lost and craved over the course of the pandemic. We’ve all become increasingly aware that there are challenges still ahead, but I am thankful to have a community that continues to do their best to stay positive, be connected and to keep each other safe. I am so proud and excited to be your new Principal and have to say that it’s already starting to feel like home.


We are currently in the planning process for 2023 and finalising our Prep enrolments. If you have a Prep starting next year, or know of other families wishing to enrol, please ensure that the enrolment form and accompanying documentation are submitted to the office in the coming week. It is important for us to confirm our ‘within zone’ enrolments as soon as possible.


If you are moving house or leaving our South Melbourne Park community for any reason at all, we ask that you let the office know by emailing This information will support our planning processes for 2023.


It was wonderful to see so many families come in for our very first student led conferences this week. I am particularly grateful to our teachers for promoting student agency, by helping the children select evidence of their goal achievement, and pieces of work that they are proud of. I know many parents were blown away by the children’s ability to articulate their learning, with confidence and pride. I look forward to watching student confidence grow in future conferences, as they develop their metacognitive skills. Thank you, families, for understanding the importance of the children taking ownership of their learning and giving them the opportunity to give voice to their own progress. A big thank-you to our learning specialist, Paul Dobney, for his work in helping us to transition to this child-centred approach. 


A reminder that you are always welcome to make an appointment with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about your child. Pop in to see them, before or after school, to make an appointment. Working parents, we understand that it is often easier for you to set up a time via email. The classroom teacher is always the first and most important person to contact, as they know your child best. Please know that both Matthew and I can also be contacted via the school email, if you have any further concerns, worries or feedback.









