Physical Education and Sport 


12 students competed at the Beachside Division Cross Country on Friday 3 June at Bald Hill Park. 

The event had been postponed from the previous week, as there were severe weather warnings for that set day. 

Luckily, all 12 competitors were able to compete on June 3. There was a top temperature of 12 degrees and Miss Nelson even had toe warmers on!

 All students did very well and should be commended for their efforts in such a tough field. 

There are 63 schools competing in our division, one of the strongest divisions in Victoria. Congratulations to Harry B and Tommy H for progressing through to Southern Metropolitan Regionals, which will be held today, June 15, at Hastings. 

Good-luck Harry and Tommy! 

We know you will represent our school well.


Students who competed:

Harry B, Tommy H, Kai B, Jesse S, Marlo W, Eliott T, Ineka D, Clementine L, Sophie M, Dion K, Allegra D and Chiara R


Another big congratulation goes to Sophie M in year 6 for making it into the State Hockey team!! She will be competing for Victoria at the State Championships in August, held in Canberra. She will be training from now until then, to give the team the best opportunity. Congratulations Sophie!


Tracey Nelson