Canteen News

Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Orders close 8.30am

Canteen News

Please note we continue to have supplier issues with some products and fresh produce.


In Term 3, the canteen is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for lunch orders. Order and payment are through the QKR app, and need to be placed by 8.30am.

Birthday treats need to be picked up at recess.

Hot chocolates need to be picked up at lunchtime, from the canteen.

Take home meals are available and need to be collected from the canteen back door before 3.25pm.


Please ensure that you check the ingredients and information listed on QKR to help you make the right choice with dietary requirements for your child and their specific dietary needs or specifications.


This week, Justine has shared a recipe book with us.

Please have a look, and try something new.