Student Leadership News

SCC news- Footy/ colours Day (last day of term)

CSPS is raising money for the Fight Cancer Foundation. Fight Cancer Foundation’s Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising campaign held during the month of September to support kids living with cancer.


On Thursday 15 September, students are encouraged to dress in their favourite football (or any sport) colours for the day. Please make your donation via QKR


CSPS will also be holding a footy colours parade (weather permitting) so be sure to come to school dressed up ready to sing along to your favourite football teams!


Thankyou for your support to this wonderful charity. 

CSPS is a Nude Food School

We would like to reduce the amount of soft plastics coming into the school, not only to help keep our school clean but also to help our environment.

Have a look at this great idea - it's a clever substitute for plastic zip lock bags.