Education News


Year 3 and 4 Education Report

This term the Year 3 and 4 team have been exploring Science as part of their Guided Inquiry topic. We have explored elements of chemical science such as force and reaction and Earth Sciences including the Solar System.


Bicarb Soda and Vinegar Powered Rocket Procedures

Earlier in the term we conducted an experiment of creating a ‘Bicarb Soda and Vinegar Powered Rocket’.  Students loved creating their rockets and watching them launch into the air.  In our writing program, we wrote a procedural text describing the process. Below are some examples of our procedural texts.



Solar System Information Reports

Students have also been exploring Informational Texts.  Students chose a topic about space or the solar system to investigate and worked to create an informational poster or powerpoint. We have loved watching Cosmos and exploring lots of different elements of the solar system. Below are some progress pictures of our reports.