Attendance Matters 

Unexplained Absence Letters

A fortnight ago families may have received unexplained absence letters.  These are sent home when a student has unexplained absences on their attendance record.  

Thank you to the families who have signed and returned these so far.  If you have not already done so, please acknowledge these dates and return the letter to allow the Attendance Team to update the student file.

To avoid receiving these letters we ask that families enter an absence note when students are not present, or follow the link when they receive an attendance text. 

Follow up letters for those who have not acknowledged the initial attendance letter have been sent home this week.

We thank you for your support in following DET attendance requirements.

Now that the various road works and detours have reopened we encourage our families to aim to have students arrive at school between 8:45am - 9:00am.  

The student attendance roll is marked at 9am each morning, lets see if we can have all students in class and ready to learn before 9am for the remainder of the year!

Thank you!

We would sincerely like to thank our families for their continued support with adhering to the required attendance recording procedures.

So far the 2023 school year has had it's challenges with varying illnesses, mud and restricted space to contend with.  

Heading into Term 4 we are looking forward to seeing some sunshine, warmer weather and fingers crossed less mud!

Thank you,

Attendance Team