Working Parts Gallery 

Visit to Lamington Drive Gallery and The Jacky Winter Group


The Working Parts Gallery is a passionate group of students who are thriving as young artists both in the visual arts and the performing arts. This group looks for opportunities in the community to connect and engage with the Arts Scene.


Recently the group were invited to Lamington Drive Gallery in Collingwood to meet with the curators and exhibiting artist Melissa Grisancich. Melissa was born and raised on the Mornington Peninsula to Italian parents and grandparents. Her work explores her Italian heritage and connection to culture. Melissa generously shared her journey as an emerging artist to becoming an established artist, who was chosen as an Archibald Finalist in 2018 for a portrait of Courtney Barnett. 

What was interesting for students was Melissa talking through how she curated her show at Lamington Drive Gallery and considered the space, and work, she showed. Students gained first hand knowledge into the life of an artist and the relationship between artist and curator. The Working Parts Gallery will invite Melissa to THS in term 3 to present an intensive workshop looking further into Melissa’s artistic practice.


Leadbeater Workshop


Steve LEADBEATER is a renowned independent Melbourne artist working in both a commercial setting and freelance setting. His work is characterised by the way he combines simple materials and techniques to communicate his ideas. LEADBEATER uses everyday observations and musings to inform his subject matter creating a narrative of his experiences.


Students at THS were so fortunate to have a visit from LEADBEATER this term as part of a Working Parts Gallery initiative. This extra curricular opportunity was enriching for students’ individual artistic practice and allowed for a connection to the Melbourne Arts Scene. LEADBEATER generously gave his time to take students on a journey of mark making, breaking down an outcome driven artistic practice to allow a state of flow to intuitively take control of the art making. 


The results were astounding and now the Working Parts Gallery has the difficult task of curating a THS V’s LEADBEATER exhibition in Term 3.