Library, Clubs & Activities 


What a semester it has been for The Green Team. After a very successful Indigenous Plant Stall at the Strawbale Concert, we had an overwhelming number of students join the team!


This term has been mainly focused on getting the compost up and running at the school. It’s been out of action since the Covid lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 but we have finally received our new compost bins which will be distributed across the school yard in term 3. A student roster will be set up to help manage the bins at the end of each day. They will be emptied into our compost bays which were generously built by parent Paul Morland.


We acknowledge that the work done as climate warriors and activists, has a huge impact on our school's health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Laura Robertson was instrumental in contacting and connecting with a group of climate psychologists who go by the name Psychologists for a Safe Climate. These psychologists presented a workshop to a group of students, parents and teachers focusing on ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of the Green Team. It was a momentous occasion and the discussions during the workshop were very powerful. These images are of drawings that show participants' fears and anxieties about the current state of the climate emergency.


Next term we look forward to hosting some further restorative events including our first ever THS Clothing Swap! Keep an eye out for information in the coming weeks.