THS Performing Arts 



On Tuesday 7th June the Year 8s were lucky enough to see Baker Boy perform live.

Baker Boy is an Indigenous Australian artist from the Yolngu nation. He is known for his original hip-hop songs incorporating both English and Yolngu Matha. His songs are seen as empowering and different to a lot of people because of his raps in Yolngu Matha and the message of his songs.


The reason for going was for us to better understand our topic we have been focusing on for the majority of the term in Performing Arts. This topic is the Black Lives Matter movement and how music has helped shed light onto this issue, but specifically racism in Australia.  


I think we speak for all the Year 8s when we say we had a very fun and memorable day, filled with laughter, dancing and lots of cheering. Although, one downside of this would probably have to be all the voices lost from the excited cheering.  


Written by Maeda Hassan and Zoe Grekos (8E)