School Information

General Office

General Office hours: Mon-Fri,  8:30am-4:30pm

Phone: 9480 4066 (ext 3)

Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.

Uniform Shop

Academy Uniforms has a uniform shop on site at Thornbury High School in Room 47.

Hours:    Mon 1-4pm ,  Wed 1-2pm.

Sustainable School Shop

Second-hand textbooks and uniform can be purchased and sold online through the Sustainable School Shop website


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am, either through Compass, or by contacting one of our attendance officers:

Y7-10 Carol Marsh   Ph: 9458 6125   email

Y11+12 Andrea Kantzidis  Ph: 9458 6135  email

Staff Contacts

Principal - Michael Keenan

Assistant Principals:

Teaching & Learning - Paul Mameghan

Operations - Tayatea Mackenzie

Student Wellbeing & Engagement - Ryan Millar

Head of Year 7 - Pieter Oosterloo

Head of Year 8 - Ann Vassos

Head of Year 9 - Tim Polwarth

Head of Year 10 - Matt Lowe

Head of Year 11+12 - Tom Ding


Head of English - Robin Garden

Head of Mathematics - Diana Walder

Head of Humanities - Rick Manning

Head of Science - Lisa Pieropan

Head of Performing Arts - Emma  McCulloch

Head of Visual Art - Sheraz Salama

Head of Languages - Max Tosi

Head of Health & PE - Trent Morison

Head of Professional Learning - Cara Martin

EAL/ELC Coordinator - Renata Tirabassi

VCAL/VET Coordinator - Maria Ioannidis

Student Leadership  - Bec Perkin

Year 7+10 Immunisation Information

The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines to all eligible Year 7 and Year 10 students.

Year 7 students:

  • Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough (pertussis) - single injection  
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) – two injections, spaced a minimum of six months apart 

Year 10 students:

  • Meningococcal ACWY – single injection

The local council immunisation service delivers the school-based immunisation program. The local council will provide immunisation consent forms to your child’s school for your child to bring home. Parents/guardians are required to complete and return the immunisation consent forms to their child’s school.

The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 authorises secondary schools to provide their local council with student and parent/guardian contact information for any student scheduled to receive a vaccination. This information is only used to assist local councils to follow-up parents/guardians of students with incomplete or missing immunisation consent forms.

What information is given to local council?

The school provides the following basic student and parent/guardian contact information to the local council immunisation service:

  • student name 
  • date of birth 
  • gender  
  • year level and class group  
  • parent/guardian contact details   
  • language(s) spoken at home.

Why does the school provide this information?

  • To improve communication with parents/guardians regarding their child’s vaccination needs.
  • To ensure all eligible students are offered the opportunity to access free vaccinations at school.
  • To reduce the administrative burden on school staff to follow-up consent forms.
  • To eliminate manual data entry processes.

What do I need to do?

  1. Read the information provided in your child’s consent form and complete all sections.
  2. Submit the immunisation consent form with all relevant fields completed, even if you choose not to consent for your child to be vaccinated as part of the secondary school immunisation program.
  3. Your information will be provided to City of Darebin in March. If you do not wish for your details to be provided, please advise the school in writing before the last school day in February.

Every day vaccination saves lives and makes it possible for Victorians to live free from the illness and disability caused by many infectious diseases.

For further information please go to the following links:

•      Privacy -

• schools

Privacy and insurance information for parents and carers


During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health.

Read our Secondary School Enrolment Privacy Collection Statement here.

The Thornbury High School policies on Privacy and Photography, filming & recording can  be found on the school website here



THS does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. We strongly encourage all parents and carers to have up-to-date ambulance cover. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of any medical expenses such as ambulance costs if their child is injured or requires an ambulance at school, or whilst participating in a school activity. Parents and carers can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers. The Department’s Claims for Property Damage and Medical Expenses Policy can be found here