School Council Report 

June 2023

School Council Report

This month's school council meeting was held via Zoom.  It was a productive meeting covering a number of items regarding contracts and policies.


The School has renewed the contract with PSW for school uniform, which provides certainty about the supply until 2026.  The School Council has also endorsed a new contract with a cleaning company that will be engaged for post-stadium hire cleaning. The stadium is an important revenue stream to the school and well-used out of hours.  Engaging a dedicated cleaner will ensure that the stadium is maintained and ready each school day. 


A policy regarding student learning expectations was also tabled for discussion and endorsed. This will provide clear information to students and families about how areas such as attendance and work standards relate to access to subjects, courses and programs, as well as the senior year levels.


Also of note, was news that the constitution for a new parent/community association has been approved by the Department of Education.  While the set-up and approval processes are lengthy, the Council is delighted that the association is another step closer to getting underway.


School Council's next meeting is on Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 7:00 pm.  Visitors are welcome.


Liesl Coulthard

President, School Council